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Categories: Business//By //Published On: September 22nd, 2016//Last Updated: March 4th, 2023//4 min read//Views: 3192//

A new entrepreneur has a lot of work to do if he or she wants to enjoy success with a new venture. This has always been the case as it is not easy to get started making money. This is especially true when one does not prepare properly for a new venture. Every new entrepreneur should ask themselves these four questions before starting a business.

Is my plan financially viable?

When starting out, many have a vision to sell their favorite product or service to the willing public. Whether a person wants to sell bicycles or cookies, they need to run the numbers and think a little more deeply. This is a difficult but necessary task as a person will save a lot of money and stress if they realize the potential. To do this, a potential entrepreneur must add up his or her expected expenses; then, he or she must determine how much they can sell the product to the public for without losing customers. Now, to decide if something is financially viable, a person must go to the companies offering the product or service to the public. This allows a potential business owner to see what the going market price is for the product. If it is lower than expected, they can still try to reduce their expected expenses or offer better quality to justify the higher price tag. Remember with this step, an entrepreneur will save him or herself a lot of time and money.

Can I live off savings?

A new business owner will have a rude awakening if he or she thinks they will live of their income in the first few months. This is nearly impossible for most people starting out in the business world as it is hard to make money from day one. Ideally, before starting a new venture, an entrepreneur should have, at minimum, one year of living expenses in the bank. With this, a person can quit their day job and concentrate on running the daily operations of the company full-time. If this is not possible, a new business owner may want to work part-time to stay afloat while he or she builds a reliable client base. Of course, this is easier when an entrepreneur has a spouse who does not mind supporting the household for a while. Either way, a person must realize that it is necessary to have an income source other than the business.

Can I fail?

Many want to turn their dream into a reality and live off their earnings. While this is the goal, some people fail miserably and end up with a severe financial problem. While it is not fun to think about, a person must examine their long-term financial goals and decide if they will suffer dire consequences should the idea fail to attract interest. Now, to avoid a catastrophe, an entrepreneur should have savings that he or she can use if the approach fails to take off. Not only that, when investing in a new venture, an individual should not use their retirement savings as this will cause massive problems if lost. When pondering this, a person should also consider their age as a young working age individual can recover from a financial failure easier than an older one nearing retirement age. Since most companies do fail in the first few years, a new entrepreneur must consider this and avoid jeopardizing his or her future.

How will I sell to the public?

When a person has a genius money-making idea or product, they often fail to market it efficiently. The sad fact is that when this happens, the idea will never take off, and an individual will not make money or find clients. When starting out, one must determine how they will find a marketing professional or if they will do it on their own. Ideally, a new entrepreneur would have a multi-faceted plan where he or she markets to customers both offline and online. However, depending on the industry, one option will sometimes be better than the other. In reality, when an organizing has a well thought-out marketing strategy, it is likely to succeed in gaining market share and converting visitors into customers. Without a doubt, most companies live and die by their marketing strategies, and it is up to an entrepreneur to recognize this and put a lot of time and effort into the marketing ideas.

When asking these four questions, a potential business owner can avoid most problems that plague new entrepreneurs. Fortunately, when prepared, an individual can build an organization that makes a lot of money and brings in new customers all the time. Without preparation, most will fail as it the business world is competitive, and most people fail when they do not develop a long-term plan.

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Jennifer Mathews