SEOGoddess - Enterprise Consultant | Serving Seattle, Tacoma and surrounding areas.
Tips and Updates2024-04-27T22:58:16+00:00

Jennifer Mathews is an author of the Search Engine Journal publication, but will also post industry updates, personal thoughts on where SEO and Digital Marketing is going on our blog here. Her updates will include some technically advanced for the seasoned SEO, but also covers basic strategies and tips with clear and easy to understand direction around SEO and digital marketing including SEM and Analytics. At time you might even find a post on WordPress strategies or design elements to look for in the years to come.

Jenn’s Articles on Search Engine Journal

Google’s April 21st Deadline

...if your site is not optimized for cross-platform usage or ignores mobile users altogether, the drop in rankings could be huge. Sites with mobile-friendly optimization will receive precedence in mobile search engine rankings, edging your site out and reducing or eliminating the chances of mobile users finding your company.... With the new Google algorithm less than a month away from being deployed, webmasters should examine their sites as soon as possible to ensure compliance. If your site does not meet the requirements, has a dedicated team of responsive design professionals who can not only correct the problem but help make your site more flexible and user-friendly to a broader range of devices. For more information on how we can help make your website better and more compliant for this or future search engine updates.