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The Story of the Website
The Starbucks Breakfast Sandwich In January of 2008, I was gainfully employed with one of the many technology corporations based in Redmond, WA (No it wasn't Microsoft). It was Concur Technologies, an expense management software company [...]
Setting Up a WordPress Database with phpMyAdmin
If your web server has phpMyAdmin installed, you will need to create a WordPress username and database using the following steps. If a database relating to WordPress does not already exist in the Database dropdown [...]
Setting up a New Business: Licenses and Permits
If your business is involved in activities supervised and regulated by a federal agency – such as selling alcohol, firearms, commercial fishing, etc. – then you may need to obtain a federal license or permit [...]
U.S. Adults Spend 11 Hours Per Day With Digital Media
The fact that we spend a lot of time with digital media is not surprising, but the amount of time the average American spends with them is. On average, the typical American spends 11 hours [...]
Social Media as a Publicity Engine and Distribution Channel
Social media is no longer a luxury for business in any industry. In order for a company to have a chance at viability in the coming years, it must have a social media presence that [...]
What is a Canonical Tag?
Perhaps you have a website that you want to optimize for the best possible placement in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Or, maybe you're new to learning about search engine optimization (SEO) and you're [...]
Social Media is…
A relationship built on conversations through social media channels to establish a strong community around your brand/product.
Social Media Tools – Top 5
Our team has been allowed the unique opportunity to get to know some of the most impressive social media marketers in the industry, and as a result we have come to know the most impressive [...]
SEO Checklist – Focusing on Social Media
As some of you know I teach a beginner to advanced SEO Workshop. One of the most asked for items in my talk is the SEO Checklist I have developed just for the Workshop. Obviously there [...]
Why Social Media?
Despite the latest growing popularity in social media marketing, many businesses still ask the question "Why social media?". The most simple answer is that if a company isn't managing their social media, then their customers will [...]
Is a Blog social media?
This is a classic case for why we started Jenn Mathews Consulting. While typically blogs are recommended for search engine optimization because of their keyword rich, content abundant, frequently updated nature because of commenting and [...]
Building a Social Media Community
The staff at Jenn Mathews Consulting use a system for social media marketing called the A.L.I.V.E. system. A majority of our clients have created their Facebook page and Twitter account, but haven't really done much with [...]
Social Media 101
Social media is everywhere - not just online, but extending to mobile, gamine, and generally prevalent in all our user groups. It’s about engaging in conversations within an online community. Social media isn't just for [...]
Corporate Social Media – how to champion social media marketing strategies
Does your corporation support social media marketing efforts? More often than not the answer is probably not. The stark reality is that senior management buy-in happens only after a company has tested social media marketing [...]
Google’s April 21st Deadline
...if your site is not optimized for cross-platform usage or ignores mobile users altogether, the drop in rankings could be huge. Sites with mobile-friendly optimization will receive precedence in mobile search engine rankings, edging your site out and reducing or eliminating the chances of mobile users finding your company.... With the new Google algorithm less than a month away from being deployed, webmasters should examine their sites as soon as possible to ensure compliance. If your site does not meet the requirements, has a dedicated team of responsive design professionals who can not only correct the problem but help make your site more flexible and user-friendly to a broader range of devices. For more information on how we can help make your website better and more compliant for this or future search engine updates.
Are you still using Twitter for your social media marketing?
It's a question that has been coming up quite a lot lately. Since Twitter's launch many years ago the micro blogging website has gone through significant growth and undergone some major changes. While the company still [...]
How to use Social Media
Many companies are wondering how to use social media for marketing purposes. They've seen other companies with their Facebook Pages and Twitter accounts, but most don't quite know what to do with them. We're going [...]
How not to be fooled by WordPress Plugins
WordPress is a great system for publishing, not the least because its open source nature means that anyone can code up a plugin that extends the functionality of the basic software. These plugins are perfect [...]
Mobile Marketing is Like Dating
It's not every day you hear mobile marketing strategies compared to dating. Yet there's almost no better metaphor to illustrate the practices and mindsets that, when implemented, can help successfully boost your mobile presence. After [...]
A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words: Data Visualization for Content Marketing
Modern people are fact hounds. We love collecting interesting data, and we trust hard numbers above all in a world filled with hyperbole. Data visualization makes data easy to access by turning data into an [...]
Mobile and Panda in 2015… oh my!
Ever since Google's Panda first "broke" the internet in 2011, the Google search engine algorithm has continued to make waves. With an initial goal to improve search engine results by filtering out low value websites, [...]
7 Keys to Marketing Successs Every Business Should Follow
The cornerstone of any successful business is its marketing. While things like a quality product and customer service are certainly important, marketing is what gives business owners the ability to reach customers in the first [...]
A Click Can Mean So Much, But It Does Not Mean Rankings
Click through rates (CTRs) have been a big debate in determining how easy a company is ranked in search engines. With the recent debate about CTRs not being a factor can raise a few eyebrows. [...]
Adwords Expert
Google Adwords is an online advertising and marketing platform that can be tailored to your advertising budget and marketing goals. But that doesn't mean that it is easy to learn to use Google Adwords successfully! [...]
Every Brand Has a Story – Tips to Supercharge Your Sales
When it comes to sales, many people underestimate the power of branding. Often it is not an individual product that sticks in a customer's mind- it is a brand. Brands are what people see and [...]